Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Oh How I've Missed You

Hi everyone!

I'm back!!! By now you may have given up all hope that I would return to Once Upon A Shine blog, since I haven't written in AGES!!! I know. I've been bad. Truth is I have been so busy this holiday season! Between the holiday trunk shows where I sell my hair accessories, painting and keeping up with art clients and appointments, and getting our new house in order - I've been a hot mess! But believe me, I've missed my Bloggy McBloggerstein.

Here is a highlight from the past few weeks (more highlights to come):

I've been making some killer art, and thus have been covered in oil paint most days (manicures are a distant memory and I stay away from our brand new white Pottery Barn sofa as I am afraid that I will unknowingly have paint on my butt and then sit down).

One evening I had just come inside from the studio to make dinner. My boyfriend would be coming home soon from work. I washed my hands and arms really well and went at it in the kitchen. I was making barbecue salmon and stuffed baked potatoes with broccoli and cheddar cheese. The kitchen smelled really good! He comes home and starts laughing almost immediately upon seeing me. 'What!!' I say, suddenly feeling insecure, wondering if he is making fun of my potatoes. He continues to laugh - snot almost coming out of his nose he is laughing so hard. I am standing over the stove checking on my dinner creation and frustrated now that he's laughing at me and teasing me. Finally he says 'Babe. You have paint ALL OVER your face'. Oh. I think. I go to the mirror and upon seeing myself I chuckle-smile-laugh. There is paint all over my face. And smeared in all over my face. And not a sexy color like red.. or a deep violet. It's BROWN. Poo brown. Smeared ALL OVER my face. In my eyebrows. On my chin and lip. Forehead. A big chunk on my cheek. If you didn't see my Lululemon leggings and David Yurman studs, you'd think I was homeless.

{David Yurman ads, just for fun}

So then, I had to chase him around the house with my face trying to give him a kiss/get the brown doody paint on him. Hee Hee. Long story short, I washed my face and we had din din.

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