Friday, December 24, 2010

Yo Beezy

This is a post dedicated to my sister Sari.

The most amazing person I know. Congrats on passing the Series7 beeznatch. I love you. I'm so proud of you.

Sari, age 6

Sari today.

For those of you who don't know... Sari is my younger sister, and has been 'my boss' for the entirety of my childhood and adult life.

If I am a rainbow, then Sari is a black stiletto. Triple threat indeed (beauty, power, smarts$). And now she's a licensed broker and trader. Das right. And she's my theeester.

me: what's another word for mauve?
Sari: ?? I dunno gtg
me: wait! This is important!!!
Sari: is this what you do all day?
me: think of color names? I mean.. yeah, sometimes..
[no response]